[GRASS-user] Unable to use Command Line Access to GRASS-GIS

Artur Bercik vbubbly21 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 02:10:23 PDT 2014

Dear Pietro

Thanks for your support with the codes for the bat file.
I saved it as .bat file, and double clicked on it.
Is  it enough to change the system variables?

Sorry for such a childish question, but being very new I hope you help me.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Pietro <peter.zamb at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Artur
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 10:55 PM, Artur Bercik <vbubbly21 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Dear GRASS-GIS users:
> >
> > I wanted to use GRASS-GIS through command line access in my Windows PC.
> >
> > So, I have installed GRASS GIS 7.0.0beta3 in drive C of my PC.
> >
> > But, when I enter the following command in the windows command prompt:
> >
> > "C:\Program Files (x86)\GRASS GIS 7.0.0beta3\bin\i.cluster.exe"
> >
> > the program can't start because libint-8.dll is missing from your
> computer.
> > Try reinstalling the program...
> >
> > Please help me what should I do to have the command line access to
> If you want to use GRASS without caling GRASS explicity you have to
> set your environment variables correctly.
> At work one colleague use this bat files to set the variable and use
> another python interpreter than the default one:
> {{{
> rem => grass70b2 using python XY
> set GISBASE=C:\GRASS GIS 7.0.0beta2
> rem => add a environmental variable for pythonxy
> set PY_XY=C:\Python27
> rem => reading the env file for pxthonxy
> call "%GISBASE%\etc\env_xy.bat"
> cd C:\GRASS GIS 7.0.0beta2\etc\gui\scripts
> "%GRASS_PYTHON%" "%GISBASE%\etc\grass70.py" %C:\Users\<<your
> user>>\Documents\grassdata\<<location>>\<<mapset>>
> if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 pause
> }}}
> and the env_xy.bat file contains
> {{{
> set GRASS_SH=%GISBASE%\msys\bin\sh.exe
> set GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=firefox
> rem GRASS_PYTHON=%GISBASE%\extrabin\python.exe
> set GRASS_PYTHON=%PY_XY%\python.exe
> set GRASS_PROJSHARE=%GISBASE%\share\proj
> set PROJ_LIB=%GISBASE%\share\proj
> set GDAL_DATA=%GISBASE%\share\gdal
> set GEOTIFF_CSV=%GISBASE%\share\epsg_csv
> set PATH=%GISBASE%\msys\bin;%PATH%
> set PATH=%GISBASE%\extrabin;%PATH%
> set PATH=%GISBASE%\bin;%PATH%
> }}}
> I hope this could help to solve your problem.
> Pietro
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