[GRASS-user] help with batch exporting r.out.gdal

Rajat Nayak rajat27404 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 00:38:12 PDT 2014

Thank you Nikos and Tom.
The command worked.
This is what I used,
 for files in `cat NPPFILES`; do r.out.gdal in="${files}" out="${files}"
format="GTiff"; done


Rajat Nayak

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Nikos Alexandris <nik at nikosalexandris.net>

> Rajat Nayak <rajat27404 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> I just created a list of files (NPPFILES) using g,mlist command in
> > >> grass7. Now I would like to export these files as .tiff files.
> > >> I tried this command
> > >> for files in $NPPFILES; do
> > >> r.out.gdal input="$NPPFILES" output="$NPPFILES.tiff" format=GTiff ;
> done
> Here, you ask the string "files" to get each of the whatsoever values
> are stored inside the variable $NPPFILES.
> 1. is there an NPPFILES variable defined already?  Something like
> file_1
> file_2
> flie_3"
> 2. What you actually need to feed the "input=" parameter, is the "files"
> term, not the "$NPPFILES".
> > >> This is not working for me. I tried giving directory path, still no
> > >> result.
> ok, assuming you are running this from inside a GRASSy session, you
> should be, at the time of executing the for loop, inside the directory
> where the "list of files" is also present.  I guess you created a file,
> say "nppfiles_list".
> To be sure, just instruct
> cat nppfiles_list
> and expect to get the list of files you created.
> If that's ok, then it should work, e.g.:
> for File in `cat nppfiles_list`; do r.out.gdal input=${File}
> output=${File}.tiff; done
> Note, instead of "File" it could be any other string you like.
> Hope this helps a bit.
> Nikos
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