[GRASS-user] how to tweak the parameters to speed up i.segment

Pietro peter.zamb at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 06:32:27 PDT 2014

On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Margherita Di Leo <diregola at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have some troubles installing it though:
>> g.extension i.segment.hierarchical
> Fetching <i.segment.hierarchical> from GRASS-Addons SVN repository (be
> patient)...
> Compiling...
> Makefile:17: warning: overriding commands for target
> `/tmp/tmpc7e9Oc/i.segment.hierarchical/etc/i.segment.hierarchical/i.segment.hierarchical'
> /space/gis/grass_trunk/grass-7.1.svn/include/Make/ScriptRules.make:19:
> warning: ignoring old commands for target
> `/tmp/tmpc7e9Oc/i.segment.hierarchical/etc/i.segment.hierarchical/i.segment.hierarchical'
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/tmp/tmpc7e9Oc/i.segment.hierarchical/scripts/i.segment.hierarchical", line
> 158, in <module>
>     from isegpatch import rpatch_map
> ImportError: No module named isegpatch
> make: *** [i.segment.hierarchical.tmp.html] Error 1
> ERROR: Compilation failed, sorry. Please check above error messages.

It Is not coping the file isegpatch in the right directory, please try
to copy the directory in grass71/script and run make, in this way it
is working without problems on my computer.

I guess that g.external doesn't like python module libraries or the
makefile is not written correctly to work with g.external.

Let me know.


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