[GRASS-user] Grass 7.0 Gui interface, in Ubuntu. Problems with creation of custom colortables for raster

Kozlova Maria kclo at yandex.ru
Wed Aug 5 05:17:35 PDT 2015

Thanks, Vero
unfortunately I don't know how to create colormap rules file without GUI which is not working...

And by the way, I need to change break values rather than apply certain colors to make maps visually comparble. Maybe there is a way to do it with command line?

Best regards,

Maria V. Kozlova

  Information System Lab. (ISysLab)
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05.08.2015, 14:58, "Veronica Andreo" <veroandreo at gmail.com>:
> Hi Maria
> 2015-08-05 5:33 GMT-03:00 Kozlova Maria <kclo at yandex.ru>:
>> Dear all,
>> I recently faced the problem with raster colortables. Grass 7.0, GUi, Ubuntu platform
>> I click Raster -> colortables -> manage color rules interactively. And see the window.
>> I can change colors as well as break values, but I cannot apply them to raster.
>> The buttons "Apply" and "Preview" as well as "Reload default table" in the window "Manage color rules interactively" doesn't work
>> Corresponding buttons are present but have an inactive state. The only things I can do in this window are exit and activate "help" window.
>> It works good in Windows but not in Ubuntu....
>> Such a way, all my rasters have only default colortables and I can't change it.
>> Can anyone help me to solve the problem?
> Have you tried command line?
> # for predefined color tables (check manual page for more color tables available)
> r.colors map=your_map1,your_map2 color=bcyr
> # in case you create your own color table
> r.colors map=your_map1,your_map2 rules=path/to/color/rules/file
>> And one more question:
>> How can I save created colortable. In what format?
> It is a simple plain text file. Check formating here:
> http://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/r.colors.html
> Hope it helps... sorry I can't help with the gui problem.
> Cheers,
> Vero

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