[GRASS-user] Choosing mapset from command line

Johannes Radinger johannesradinger at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 07:58:45 PST 2015

Maybe I expressed myself unclear or mixed things up:

I want to get the text based menu to select e.g. a location and a mapset,
which I think is called "text-based location wizzard" [1]. I mixed that up
with the "welcome screen". And of course I don't need the welcome screen.

I was just confused because the wiki [2] says:
"*grass70 -text:* Start GRASS using the text-based user interface. The user
will be *prompted* to choose the appropriate location and mapset."
However I get automatically started into my last session which is actually
the definition of:
"*grass70 -text *Start GRASS using the text-based user interface.
Appropriate location and mapset must be set by environmental variables (see
examples bellow) otherwise taken from the last GRASS session."

So is the location wizzard not exisiting anymore in GRASS70? If not, is
g.mapset from within an existing mapset the recommended way to go to create
and start into a new mapset? Another option would be only to create the
mapset with g.mapset from inside an existing mapset and than to restart
grass with "grass70 newmapset".

[2] http://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/grass7.html

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Moritz Lennert <
mlennert at club.worldonline.be> wrote:

> On 13/02/15 15:33, Johannes Radinger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I tried to access my machine with GRASS GIS via SSH and wanted to get
>> the text based welcome screen of GRASS 7 (RC in Ubuntu) to select a
>> mapset. Usually I am starting the GUI selection menu so I am not
>> familiar with the text based startup. I thought that the command
>> "grass70 -gtext" should launch the text-based menu however here I get:
>> radinger at grassgis:~$ grass70 -gtext
>> Cleaning up temporary files...
>> Starting GRASS GIS...
>> WARNING: It appears that the X Windows system is not active.
>> A graphical based user interface is not supported.
>> Switching to text based interface mode.
>> Hit RETURN to continue
>> With -gtext I already indicated that I don't want to start a graphical
>> based user interface so I am wondering about the warning. With hitting
>> return I automatically start with the last mapset I used (like the
>> command "grass70 -text) and don't get to a text based menu to e.g.
>> create and start into a new mapset of a given location.
>> What I am doing wrong?
> '-gtext' asks to show the GUI welcome screen
> '-text' skips even that so that's probably what you need.
> Moritz
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