[GRASS-user] Choosing mapset from command line

Johannes Radinger johannesradinger at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 08:01:25 PST 2015

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 4:58 PM, Johannes Radinger <
johannesradinger at gmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe I expressed myself unclear or mixed things up:
> I want to get the text based menu to select e.g. a location and a mapset,
> which I think is called "text-based location wizzard" [1]. I mixed that up
> with the "welcome screen". And of course I don't need the welcome screen.
> I was just confused because the wiki [2] says:
> "*grass70 -text:* Start GRASS using the text-based user interface. The
> user will be *prompted* to choose the appropriate location and mapset."

sorry thats the info for -gtext: "*grass70 -gtext:* Start GRASS using the
text-based user interface...."

> However I get automatically started into my last session which is actually
> the definition of:

> "*grass70 -text *Start GRASS using the text-based user interface.
> Appropriate location and mapset must be set by environmental variables (see
> examples bellow) otherwise taken from the last GRASS session."
> So is the location wizzard not exisiting anymore in GRASS70? If not, is
> g.mapset from within an existing mapset the recommended way to go to create
> and start into a new mapset? Another option would be only to create the
> mapset with g.mapset from inside an existing mapset and than to restart
> grass with "grass70 newmapset".
> [1]
> http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_Location_Wizard#Text_based_location_wizard
> [2] http://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/grass7.html
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Moritz Lennert <
> mlennert at club.worldonline.be> wrote:
>> On 13/02/15 15:33, Johannes Radinger wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I tried to access my machine with GRASS GIS via SSH and wanted to get
>>> the text based welcome screen of GRASS 7 (RC in Ubuntu) to select a
>>> mapset. Usually I am starting the GUI selection menu so I am not
>>> familiar with the text based startup. I thought that the command
>>> "grass70 -gtext" should launch the text-based menu however here I get:
>>> radinger at grassgis:~$ grass70 -gtext
>>> Cleaning up temporary files...
>>> Starting GRASS GIS...
>>> WARNING: It appears that the X Windows system is not active.
>>> A graphical based user interface is not supported.
>>> Switching to text based interface mode.
>>> Hit RETURN to continue
>>> With -gtext I already indicated that I don't want to start a graphical
>>> based user interface so I am wondering about the warning. With hitting
>>> return I automatically start with the last mapset I used (like the
>>> command "grass70 -text) and don't get to a text based menu to e.g.
>>> create and start into a new mapset of a given location.
>>> What I am doing wrong?
>> '-gtext' asks to show the GUI welcome screen
>> '-text' skips even that so that's probably what you need.
>> Moritz
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