[GRASS-user] Python calling landsat_toar function

Pierric de Laborie pierric.delaborie at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 10:07:40 PST 2015

I am using Grass 7 beta 4 on Windows.

After importing Landsat raster bands, I use the following command that
works fine.

i.landsat.toar --overwrite --verbose input=LC81900362014284LGN00_B

But when I try to do the same in the Python console (same software), I get
the following error (please see below after code) complaining for the input
prefix parameter. Note that I get the same error in my Python script on
Linux using Grass7, so I supposed it is not related to the os. I guess it
is caused by an error in the calling syntax (?)

import grass.script as grass   -> OK

from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import imagery as i   -> OK

overwrite="True", quiet="False")

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\GRASS GIS
7.0.0beta4\etc\python\grass\pygrass\modules\interface\module.py", line 602,
in __call__
    raise ParameterError('%s is not a valid parameter.' % key)
ParameterError: input_prefix is not a valid parameter.

Thanks in advance
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