[GRASS-user] Exporting a raster tiff with RGB 3 bands produce a paletted tiff

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Tue Jul 7 00:56:06 PDT 2015

On Fri, 3 Jul 2015 14:06:58 +0200, Andrea Peri <aperi2007 at gmail.com>
> No, it was not what I expected .
> I expected to see the same image I see in the grass display (using
> Instead I see someone completelly different.

That is expected, and also depends on the program you use to visualise the

Color is arbitrary for raster data. Not all formats actually allow
transport of color info, and not all programs can read the color info
provided in a given format.

The question for you is: do you just want to export a georeferenced image
with a specific color choice, or do you export the actual data which is
independent of the colors (In any decent program you can define which color
to assign to which value) ?

If you want to export the data and the colors you created in GRASS GIS,
your best bet would probably to export to any format using r.out.gdal and
to export colors with r.colors.out.

Or you can create an image with the colors you want using r.composite and
then export just that. You would still need a program that can read the
color table in the output format, or use r.colors.out.


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