[GRASS-user] Problems exporting Shapefiles

Luís Miguel Royo Pérez luis.miguel.royo at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 04:27:14 PDT 2015

Hello everyone,

I have some problems exporting to shapefiles. When I try to export, I 
get these errors:

This first shows when I try to export only naming a file... "output= 

/Check if OGR layer <ne_10m_populated_places_simple> contains polygons...//
//DBMI-SQLite driver error://
//Unable to open database: C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Documents\grass//
//unable to open database file//
//DBMI-SQLite driver error://
//Unable to open database: C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Documents\grass//
//unable to open database file//
//WARNING: No ha sido posible abrir la base de datos 
con el controlador <sqlite>.//
//ERROR: No se puede abrir la base de datos 
por el controlador <sqlite>//
This other one, shows when I indicate only a route: 

/ERROR 1: Failed to create directory
for shapefile datastore.
ERROR: No se puede abrir entrada de datos OGR 

/I'm using Windows 8.1, and GRASS 7.01RC2.

Anyone has any idea what's happening?

Thank you per advance!!
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