[GRASS-user] Problem with g.gui.tplot

leonardo sandon leomadvr at gmail.com
Thu May 28 07:11:09 PDT 2015

Hi guys!
I have a problem with gui.plot, or I should say, I have a suggestion for
the developpers.
This is a very useful tool, but it becomes quite unusable when in the time
series there are some null values (graph 1).
In fact in the graph, instead of not showing those values, they are
indicated as if they had a −2,147,483,648 value (long integer of C ISO/ANSI
C99 programming language?), and the resulting graph is pretty discouraging.
Even though there is the zoom tool to fit better to the good values, it is
not nice to see those vertical line (graph 2).
Is there any solution for that?

[image: Immagine in linea 1][image: Immagine in linea 2]
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