[GRASS-user] WARNING: Unable to open raster map...format field in header file invalid

Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au
Fri Sep 11 00:22:09 PDT 2015

Hi Maria, thank you. Yes, the rasters are there - they are listed with
Projection is all ok too.

On 11/09/2015 4:27 pm, "Kozlova Maria" <kclo at yandex.ru> wrote:

>Hi, Rafael,
>The first point: 
>Typing the comnand:
>d.rast map=xxxx 
>you don't load the file. You just display the already imported map from
>existing mapset
>So be sure you files are imported to the  current mapset
>You may check this by the command:
>d.list rast (maybe some differences in syntax depending on grass version)
>Second: check the projection in your workspace and imported files
>Hope it helps
>Best regards,
>Maria V. Kozlova
>  /------------------------------------\
>  Information System Lab. (ISysLab)
>  State Oceanographic Institute,
>  Kropotkinsky per., 6,
>  MOSCOW, 119034,
>  ------------------------------------
>  tel.    +7 499 246 6448
>  fax.    +7 499 246 7288
>  mailto:  kclo at yandex.ru
>  \------------------------------------/
>11.09.2015, 06:58, "Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au"
><Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au>:
>> Hello,
>> Recently, some grass files that were on my computer were accidentally
>> deleted - I recovered them from backup but it seems that maybe not all.
>> When I open grass and load up a raster with d.rast the map does not
>> and I get the following error message:
>> WARNING: Raster map <toc10 at toc@toc>: format field in header file invalid
>> WARNING: Unable to open raster map <toc10 at toc@toc>
>> ERROR: Unable to open raster map <toc10 at toc>
>> Does anyone know what might be missing? And if there is a fix to this?
>> It seems to have happened to all of the rasters that I have in that
>> project!
>> Thank you - Raphael.
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