[GRASS-user] WARNING: Unable to open raster map...format field in header file invalid

Kozlova Maria kclo at yandex.ru
Thu Sep 10 23:27:31 PDT 2015

Hi, Rafael,

The first point: 
Typing the comnand:
d.rast map=xxxx 
you don't load the file. You just display the already imported map from existing mapset
So be sure you files are imported to the  current mapset 
You may check this by the command:
d.list rast (maybe some differences in syntax depending on grass version)

Second: check the projection in your workspace and imported files

Hope it helps

Best regards,

Maria V. Kozlova

  Information System Lab. (ISysLab)
  State Oceanographic Institute,
  Kropotkinsky per., 6,
  MOSCOW, 119034,
  tel.    +7 499 246 6448
  fax.    +7 499 246 7288
  mailto:  kclo at yandex.ru 

11.09.2015, 06:58, "Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au" <Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au>:
> Hello,
> Recently, some grass files that were on my computer were accidentally
> deleted - I recovered them from backup but it seems that maybe not all.
> When I open grass and load up a raster with d.rast the map does not appear
> and I get the following error message:
> WARNING: Raster map <toc10 at toc@toc>: format field in header file invalid
> WARNING: Unable to open raster map <toc10 at toc@toc>
> ERROR: Unable to open raster map <toc10 at toc>
> Does anyone know what might be missing? And if there is a fix to this?
> It seems to have happened to all of the rasters that I have in that
> project!
> Thank you - Raphael.
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