[GRASS-user] WARNING: Unable to open raster map...format field in header file invalid

Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au
Fri Sep 11 00:27:15 PDT 2015

Hi Markus,
Yes…not sure where the double @ comes from – it just displays this in the error message…
I looked at the  files in the cellhd folder (which I assume are the header files) and they seem fine:
proj:       3
zone:       0
north:      9:59:50.99856S
south:      43:38:32.993713S
east:       153:38:23.977878E
west:       112:54:41.983744E
cols:       48874
rows:       40374
e-w resol:  0:00:03
n-s resol:  0:00:03
format:     -1
compressed: 1

This is strange…any other hints will be appreciated. Thank you for your help. Raphael.

From: Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org<mailto:neteler at osgeo.org>>
Date: Friday, 11 September 2015 4:58 pm
To: Raphael Rossel <Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au<mailto:Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au>>
Cc: GRASS user list <grass-user at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:grass-user at lists.osgeo.org>>
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] WARNING: Unable to open raster map...format field in header file invalid

On Sep 11, 2015 5:58 AM, <Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au<mailto:Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au>> wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently, some grass files that were on my computer were accidentally
> deleted - I recovered them from backup but it seems that maybe not all.
> When I open grass and load up a raster with d.rast the map does not appear
> and I get the following error message:
> WARNING: Raster map <toc10 at toc@toc>: format field in header file invalid

This double @ is a bit fishy.
Can you check where it comes from?

> WARNING: Unable to open raster map <toc10 at toc@toc>
> ERROR: Unable to open raster map <toc10 at toc>

The header file is a text file. Is it there?

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