[GRASS-user] import .flt grid into grass

Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au
Thu Sep 17 03:52:49 PDT 2015


A while back I posted a question about exporting .flt grids from grass. I
am still struggling with this, but now I have another question regarding
these files.  

I have 100¹s of these files (from a time series of data) that a colleague
produced for me in arcmap.  I have tried to import them into GRASS (as I
do not use or like arc ;-) but have not been able to do.

Any suggestions on how this might be possible? Or is it not?

I searched for answers on the web and list but I only came to some old
posts where the links to the conversations were no longer available.

Any ideas will be very welcome. Thank you.


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