[GRASS-user] UTM 33x

Ken Mankoff mankoff at gmail.com
Sun Jul 17 06:32:32 PDT 2016

Hi Helmut,

Thanks for the advice so far.

On 2016-07-17 at 12:46, Helmut Kudrnovsky <hellik at web.de> wrote:
> as you can see your data has no projection information, thus imported
> to an xy location (that means a location without any projection info).
> GRASS GIS (or any other GIS) can't re-project such data to another
> projection.

If I could get GRASS to define the lat,lon boundaries as I tried to do in my last email, but without crashing, wouldn't that solve this?

And perhaps I'm still confused, but the projection is *known*, even if it isn't encoded in this file. If this were known as 33N instead of 33X, I could define a location with an EPSG code, and then import with "r.in.gdal -o", where "-o" is "Override projection (use location's projection)". It seems like I should be able to do something similar, but I may need to define the projection with a WKT file or proj4 code which can support 33X.


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