[GRASS-user] reference for publications?

Veronica Andreo veroandreo at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 07:07:58 PDT 2016

Hello Markus,

> [..]
> >>
> >> Definitely yes. AFAIK there is an open ticket for that but due to
> >> traveling I cannot check at time.
> >
> > Here: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/947
> > rather old ticket :)
> Yep. Now I worked on that:
> g.version -x
> gives you citation options similar to R's citation() function.

Cool! :) Thanks!

> Please check if the text is ok.

The text seems fine to me. Just some ideas/questions:

- What about adding something like "See citation options with: g.version
-x" below "See the licence terms with: g.version -c" in the welcome screen
in the terminal?

- And also an example of how to cite an add-on?

- Why YEAR isn't picked up automatically from the version? Would that be a
mess? Or is it on purpose just to remain generic?

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