[GRASS-user] Help with DEM, Raster and Vector export to VTK / Paraview

David Wright david.a.wright at bigpond.com
Sun Mar 6 12:43:11 PST 2016



I would be grateful for some tips on the steps to export a DEM with, raster
and vector layers to the vtk format for visualization in 3D Paraview.  


My ultimate objective once in paraview is to export the model into a file
format that can be converted into a dae file format so it can be loaded as a
3D model in google earth.


Specifically I wish to drape different images on a dem  and visualise them
in google earth above the surface of the area concerned. There may be a
better method to achieving this from Grass however output to VTK seems to be
the best option as a starting point.


My datasets include a clipped area taken from an Aster DEM, matching aerial
image rasters and vectors (ie clipped to the same shapefile) that are using
the Geographic Projection EPSG code 4326.


I have been able to import these into Grass and visualise them using NVIZ no


I have searched extensively for help on the steps to export rasters  to vtk
and attempted exporting rasters using both r.out.vtk and r3.out.vtk but in
Paraview I either get a blank window or a single line I Paraview that can be
rotated in 3d.


If someone could advise the steps or point me to some online resources
setting out the steps, I would be most grateful.


I wonder if my Aster DEM is in the correct format as it is. Or does it need
converting to a different format first - ie 1 3D voxel format. 


Any help would be very much appreciated.





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