[GRASS-user] Interpreting r.watershed accumulation map

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Sun Oct 16 14:49:43 PDT 2016

On Sun, 16 Oct 2016, Sören Gebbert wrote:

> I don't know why this happens. It may be a bug in the temporal framework
> or in itzi. Testing the code in the temporal framework seems to work, but
> more testing is needed.


   If I can help test with my data I'll be happy to contribute to getting
this tool working.

> However, the traceback is fine, but there must be an error message that
> will tell you what mapset is missing and what mapsets are in the temporal
> framework search path.
> Something like:
> """
> You have no permission to "
>       "access mapset <%(mapset)s>, or "
>       "mapset <%(mapset)s> has no temporal database. "
>       "Accessable mapsets are: <%(mapsets)s>
> """

   I sent everything displayed on the console from the command line to the
end. The mapset may not have a temporal database, however ... the mapset's
subdirectory in the location contains two subdirectories: g3dcell and tgis.
g3dcell/ is empty and tgis/ conains 'sqlite.db' holding 462848 bytes:

sqlite> .tables
raster3d_absolute_time   str3ds_absolute_time     stvds_metadata 
raster3d_base            str3ds_base              stvds_relative_time 
raster3d_metadata        str3ds_metadata          stvds_spatial_extent 
raster3d_relative_time   str3ds_relative_time     stvds_view_abs_time 
raster3d_spatial_extent  str3ds_spatial_extent    stvds_view_rel_time 
raster3d_stds_register   str3ds_view_abs_time     tgis_metadata 
raster3d_view_abs_time   str3ds_view_rel_time     vector_absolute_time 
raster3d_view_rel_time   strds_absolute_time      vector_base 
raster_absolute_time     strds_base               vector_metadata 
raster_base              strds_metadata           vector_relative_time 
raster_metadata          strds_relative_time      vector_spatial_extent 
raster_relative_time     strds_spatial_extent     vector_stds_register 
raster_spatial_extent    strds_view_abs_time      vector_view_abs_time 
raster_stds_register     strds_view_rel_time      vector_view_rel_time 
raster_view_abs_time     stvds_absolute_time 
raster_view_rel_time     stvds_base

   The schema's too large to print here.

   Does any of this help?


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