[GRASS-user] i.segment.stats memory usage error

James Duffy james.philip.duffy at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 06:38:07 PDT 2016

On 27 October 2016 at 13:53, Moritz Lennert <mlennert at club.worldonline.be>

> On 27/10/16 12:51, James Duffy wrote:
>> On 27 October 2016 at 11:45, Moritz Lennert
>> <mlennert at club.worldonline.be <mailto:mlennert at club.worldonline.be>>
>> wrote:
>>     Le 27 octobre 2016 12:35:14 GMT+02:00, James Duffy
>>     <james.philip.duffy at gmail.com <mailto:james.philip.duffy at gmail.com>>
>>     a écrit :
>>     >On 27 October 2016 at 11:08, Moritz Lennert
>>     ><mlennert at club.worldonline.be <mailto:mlennert at club.worldonline.be>>
>>     >wrote:
>>     >
>>     >>
>>     >>
>>     >> Le 27 octobre 2016 11:22:02 GMT+02:00, James Duffy <
>>     >> james.philip.duffy at gmail.com
>>     <mailto:james.philip.duffy at gmail.com>> a écrit :
>>     >> >Hello,
>>     >> >
>>     >> >I'm trying to use i.segment.stats with GRASS 7.0.4 in the
>> osgeolive
>>     >> >32bit
>>     >> >operating system.
>>     >> >
>>     >> >Prior to using this tool I have successfully created my segmented
>>     >map
>>     >> >using
>>     >> >i.segment.
>>     >> >
>>     >> >When I try to execute the following command:
>>     >> >
>>     >> >i.segment.stats --overwrite --verbose map=gp_seg_optimum at gp1 \
>>     >> >rasters=gp_ortho.1 at gp1,gp_ortho.2 at gp1,gp_ortho.3 at gp1,gp_ort
>> ho.4 at gp1
>>     >\
>>     >> >raster_statistics=min,max,mean,stddev,variance,sum \
>>     >> >csvfile=/home/jpd205/Wales_GRASS/GarronPill/gp_seg_stats \
>>     >> >separator=comma
>>     >> >
>>     >> >I get this error:
>>     >> >
>>     >> >Calculating geometry statistics
>>     >> >ERROR: G_malloc: unable to allocate 4273800320 bytes of memory at
>>     >> >       /tmp/tmpgzUtnA/r.object.geometry/main.c:129
>>     >>
>>     >> This is coming from r.object.geometry.
>>     >>
>>     >> What are your region settings (g.region -p) ? How many segments do
>>     >you
>>     >> have ?
>>     >>
>>     >
>>     >GRASS 7.0.4 (GarronPill):~ > g.region -p
>>     >projection: 99 (OSGB 1936 / British National Grid)
>>     >zone:       0
>>     >datum:      osgb36
>>     >ellipsoid:  airy
>>     >north:      208007.00931776
>>     >south:      207952.59780698
>>     >west:       200993.90853302
>>     >east:       201097.28911076
>>     >nsres:      0.00430914
>>     >ewres:      0.00430914
>>     >rows:       12627
>>     >cols:       23991
>>     >cells:      302934357
>>     Are you sure 4mm is correct for the resolution ?
>> Yes. It's high resolution imagery from a drone.
>>     What does r.info <http://r.info> on
>>     >
>>     >
>>     >>
>>     >> Try running I.segment.stats without requesting form statistics.
>>     >
>>     >
>>     >Running:
>>     >
>>     >i.segment.stats --overwrite --verbose map=gp_seg_optimum at gp1 \
>>     >csvfile=/home/jpd205/Wales_GRASS/GarronPill/gp_seg_stats \
>>     >separator=comma
>>     Default is to do form statistics, so the above line also does. I
>>     have to admit that I don't know what happens when you give an empty
>>     parameter such as
>>     area_measures= or area_measures=""
>>     What does r.info <http://r.info> gp_seg_optimum give you ?
>> +-----------------------------------------------------------
>> -----------------+
>>  | Map:      gp_seg_optimum                 Date: Thu Oct 27 06:45:57
>> 2016    |
>>  | Mapset:   gp1                            Login of Creator:
>> jpd205          |
>>  | Location:
>> GarronPill                                                       |
>>  | DataBase:
>> /home/jpd205/Wales_GRASS                                         |
>>  | Title:     ( gp_seg_optimum
>> )                                              |
>>  | Timestamp:
>> none                                                            |
>>  |----------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------------|
>>  |
>> |
>>  |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories:
>> 0               |
>>  |   Data Type:
>> CELL                                                       |
>>  |   Rows:
>> 12627                                                      |
>>  |   Columns:
>> 23991                                                      |
>>  |   Total Cells:
>> 302934357                                                  |
>>  |        Projection: OSGB 1936 / British National
>> Grid                       |
>>  |            N: 208007.00931776    S: 207952.59780698   Res:
>> 0.00430914      |
>>  |            E: 201097.28911076    W: 200993.90853302   Res:
>> 0.00430914      |
>>  |   Range of data:    min = 35  max =
>> 133556294                              |
>>  |
> Ok, I think I see at least part of the problem: in GRASS 7.0 i.segment
> numbers segments non sequentially, i.e. whenever a new segment is created
> out of the merger of two existing segments, a new id is assigned. In GRASS
> trunk (the development version) i.segment is rewritten to, at the end,
> number all segments sequentially from 1 to the number of segments.
> r.object.geometry allocates memory according to the new system. As it says
> in the code:
>     /* REMARK: The following is only true if object ids are continuously
> numbered */
>     n_objects = max - min + 1;
>     obj_geos = G_malloc(n_objects * sizeof(struct obj_geo));
> So, one solution would be to use the development version of GRASS.

> Another would be to run r.clump on the result of the segmentation in order
> to renumber the segments before running it through i.segment.stats.

This option seemed the most straightforward given my current setup. I ran
r.clump with diagnoal enabled, and the output looked good. It only took
2mins to run.

I then proceeded with the original i.segment.stats command and got the

Calculating geometry statistics
Calculating statistics for raster gp_ortho.1 at gp1
ERROR: G_realloc: unable to allocate 572000 bytes of memory at

It looks like the tool got further, but is still getting stuck on

> A third option, potentially a bit faster than the second, would be to
> write a little script which gets all category values from the segment map
> (using r.category), and reassigns sequential category values to those using
> r.reclass. I.e. something like this:
> r.category segment_map | awk 'BEGIN{cat=1} {printf"%d=%d\n", $1, cat;
> cat++}' | r.reclass segment_map out=sequential_segment_map rules=-
> Moritz
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