[GRASS-user] Importing data in .atx/.gdb format

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Tue Sep 13 16:55:30 PDT 2016

On Tue, 13 Sep 2016, Blumentrath, Stefan wrote:

> Thus, you should be able to import your transport data (assuming it is
> vector) with v.in.ogr. A FGDB is as you say also a folder, but if I am not
> mistaken you do not have to provide special files to OGR:
> v.in.ogr input=your_FGDB_folder layer=the_relevant_layer output=your_output


   This almost works -- using the GUI. I've no idea which file represnts the
relevant layer.

   Selecting File -> Import vector (v.in.ogr) opens the dialog box. There, I
change the source type radiobox choice from File to Directory, use the
dropdown choice list for Source list format to OpenFileGDB, and select the
Directory as ~/data/grassdata/ODOT2014.

   The bottom checkbox of options doesn't matter because when I click the
Import button a message box displays reading, "No layers selected. Operation
canceled." That's because all layers were greyed out when I selected that

   When I try specifing source type as File grass does not like my selecting
a filename with 'index' in the extension.

> A list of available layers should be accessible like this:
> v.in.ogr input=your_FGDB_folder -l

> v.in.ogr input=~/data/grassdata/ODOT2014 -l
ERROR: Unable to open data source </home/rshepard/data/grassdata/ODOT2014>



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