[GRASS-user] Creating STRDS from scratch

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Wed Feb 22 07:28:35 PST 2017

On Tue, 21 Feb 2017, Laurent C. wrote:

> In your case, it seems you want to have uniform rainfall. So you can set
> the region, and then use mapcalc like so: r.mapcalc 
> exp='rainfall_2013115=0.1' And doing the same for each day.

   The region is correctly set. I assume that what t.info reports is correct
as the rainfall input to Itzi and would like confirmation or corrections:

t.info type=strds input=rainfall
  +--------------- Space Time Raster Dataset ---------------------------+
  +--------------- Basic information -----------------------------------+
  | Id: ........................ rainfall at topography
  | Name: ...................... rainfall
  | Mapset: .................... topography
  | Creator: ................... rshepard
  | Temporal type: ............. absolute
  | Creation time: ............. 2017-02-21 13:43:48.931376
  | Modification time:.......... 2017-02-21 13:43:48.931422
  | Semantic type:.............. mean
  +--------------- Absolute time ---------------------------------------+
  | Start time:................. None
  | End time:................... None
  | Granularity:................ None
  | Temporal type of maps:...... None
  +--------------- Spatial extent --------------------------------------+
  | North:...................... None
  | South:...................... None
  | East:.. .................... None
  | West:....................... None
  | Top:........................ None
  | Bottom:..................... None
  +-------------- Metadata information ---------------------------------+
  | Raster register table:......
  | North-South resolution min:. None
  | North-South resolution max:. None
  | East-west resolution min:... None
  | East-west resolution max:... None
  | Minimum value min:.......... None
  | Minimum value max:.......... None
  | Maximum value min:.......... None
  | Maximum value max:.......... None
  | Aggregation type:........... None
  | Number of registered maps:.. None
  | Title:
  | Rainfall Rates
  | Description:
  | Daily rainfall rates in mm/hr.
  | Command history:
  | # 2017-02-21 13:43:49
  | t.create type="strds" temporaltype="absolute"
  |     output="rainfall" title="Rainfall Rates"
  |     description="Daily rainfall rates in mm/hr."


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