[GRASS-user] Error on start up - session manager - ubuntu 16.04

Lars Dalby lars.dalby at gmail.com
Tue May 9 00:16:37 PDT 2017

Dear list

When starting GRASS 7.2.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 I got this error message on start
"Debug: Failed to connect to session manager: SESSION_MANAGER environment
variable not defined"

Then searching the web for solutions I found this thread:
I tried "export SESSION_MANAGER=1" as suggested in the thread which
resulted in a new error on start up:
"_IceTransOpen: Unable to Parse address 1 08:49:34 AM: Debug: Failed to
connect to session manager: Could not open network socket"
At this point I decided that it was time I admitted that I don't know what
I'm doing! :-)

Can anybody help me sort out this issue?

I have python 3.5.2 and python 2.7.12 installed. Only in python 2.7.12 does
wx appear to be available and in version wx-3.0-gtk2.
When starting GRASS from the terminal I see the above mentioned error but
the GRASS gui starts and I can open a location.

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