[GRASS-user] large shapefile not importing properly with v.import

Ken Mankoff mankoff at gmail.com
Fri Oct 20 07:32:09 PDT 2017

Hi GRASS List,

I have what I think is a large shapefile. It is 122 MB (30 MB dbf file and 90 MB shp file). v.import also reports:

47957 primitives registered
3761520 vertices registered

and then, much later

Number of nodes: 33786
Number of primitives: 51112
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 37935
Number of centroids: 13177
Number of areas: 31681
Number of isles: 27720
WARNING: Number of incorrect boundaries: 1586
WARNING: Number of centroids outside area: 186
WARNING: Number of duplicate centroids: 631

When I open it in QGIS it takes ~1 second and everything looks good. If I reproject it on-the-fly, it still looks good.

I'm working in EPSG:3413 and  gdalsrsinfo reports "PROJ.4 : '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs '" for this shapefile. When I v.import it in GRASS, it takes ~2 hours, and there are many boundaries that appear incorrect. If I set "snap=-1" it only takes a few minutes, but there are more errors.

Can anyone offer advice how do work with this shapefile in GRASS? Is this likely an error in the shapefile, or a limitation to v.import? Should I import it into its native projection and then v.proj after import?



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