[GRASS-user] large shapefile not importing properly with v.import

Helmut Kudrnovsky hellik at web.de
Fri Oct 20 11:22:18 PDT 2017

>I have what I think is a large shapefile. It is 122 MB (30 MB dbf file and
90 MB shp file). 

not that large; a few weeks ago I've imported a ~1 GB shapefile; it took
some time to import because of topological building, but it worked.

>WARNING: Number of incorrect boundaries: 1586
>WARNING: Number of centroids outside area: 186
>WARNING: Number of duplicate centroids: 631

it seems there may be some issues e.g. overlapping polygons,
self-intersections of boundaries, very small areas etc.

try to use v.in.ogr instead in a location with the original projection and
then reproject it.

sometimes I get data sets with such warnings; first I open such data in
QGIS; in master aka QGIS 3, there is a nice new topology checker to inspect
about topological errors. after some cleaning in QGIS, I try to import the
data by v.in.ogr without cleaning and afterwards clean the vector data by
v.clean e.g. remove small areas, etc


best regards
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