[GRASS-user] v.external to layer in PostGIS database

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Tue May 8 01:35:53 PDT 2018

Just to document here the way out:

1. First, and not posted here previously, there was a "problem" related to
the number of object locks allocated for each transaction:

db.tables -p
DBMI-PostgreSQL driver error:
Unable to select view names.
ERROR: out of shared memory
HINT: You might need to increase max_locks_per_transaction.
(see also

This was solved by the database admin by increasing the corresponding

2. The test "test1" fails for the instruction
INSERT INTO grass_test1 VALUES ( 3, 0.0, '_\''_' )

Guess: related to the "backslash". Maybe the test "test1" needs to be
updated to account for how PostgreSQL treats "escape" string constants.
Have to yet test this.

3. Adding, finally, a primary key, whose name doesn't really matter
(whether it is 'cat' or 'id' or 'wdpaid'), allows GRASS GIS to read the
table in question.

This IS also among the notes of PostgreSQL driver

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