[GRASS-user] v vol rst super slow

Francois Chartier fra.chartier at gmail.com
Mon May 21 19:35:13 PDT 2018


I am interpolating 2D data using V Vol RST.  After 90 min the process
progressed 15%, and I stopped it.
There are approx 370 points, and it should not take this long.  I am not
sure what I am doing incorrectly.  I have set the g.region to match the
vector, and joined the vector attribute to the database.
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(Mon May 21 20:42:56 2018)                                                      
v.vol.rst input=elev145Mat1 at Toronto wcolumn=cat dmin=0.1                        
11 records selected from table
WARNING: Some points outside of region -- will ignore...
WARNING: Strip exists with insufficient data
Processing all selected output files will require 0 bytes of disk space for temp files
WARNING: There are points outside specified 2D/3D region--ignored 1 points (total points: 367)
WARNING: There is less than 700 points for interpolation, no segmentation is necessary, to run the program faster, set segmax=700 (see manual)
WARNING: Unable to create <(null)> raster map without cross_input raster map being specified
Please note that the data are left in inconsistent state and may be corrupted   
(Mon May 21 22:10:43 2018) Command aborted (87 min 47 sec)                      
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