[GRASS-user] v vol rst super slow

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed May 23 03:07:45 PDT 2018

Hi François,

Please keep all discussions on the list.

On 23/05/18 02:26, Francois Chartier wrote:
> Hi Moritz,
> see below.  seems like i have 6M cells
> projection: 1 (UTM)
> zone:       17
> datum:      nad83
> ellipsoid:  grs80
> north:      4868980
> south:      4829680
> west:       609620
> east:       651628
> nsres:      5
> ewres:      4.99976196
> rows:       7860
> cols:       8402
> cells:      66039720

Sorry, my fault: as you are interpolating in 3D we need the 3D region, 
so the output of 'g.region -3p'.

And could you also provide us with:

- the exact v.vol.rst command line you used
- the output of v.info on your point dataset



> 2018-05-22 7:58 GMT-04:00 Moritz Lennert <mlennert at club.worldonline.be 
> <mailto:mlennert at club.worldonline.be>>:
>     Am 22. Mai 2018 04:35:13 MESZ schrieb Francois Chartier
>     <fra.chartier at gmail.com <mailto:fra.chartier at gmail.com>>:
>      >Hi,
>      >
>      >I am interpolating 2D data using V Vol RST.  After 90 min the process
>      >progressed 15%, and I stopped it.
>      >There are approx 370 points, and it should not take this long.  I am
>      >not
>      >sure what I am doing incorrectly.  I have set the g.region to
>     match the
>      >vector, and joined the vector attribute to the database.
>     What is the resolution of the region ?
>     Please provide the output of g.region -p.
>     Moritz

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