[GRASS-user] GRASS GIS in Archaeology: how to get a cross section

Lluís Vicens lluis.vicens at udg.edu
Mon Nov 12 01:40:09 PST 2018

Hi everyone,

Let me share some doubts and concerns regarding to a concrete 
application of GRASS GIS to archaeology.

The point is that I would like to prepare some training exercises for a 
group of archaeologists, and I'm dealing right now with the problem of 
how to properly represent stratigraphic sections or cross sections over 
an excavation site. I mean something like this:


For the training exercises, I could own a collection or a series of 
digital surface models (dsm), relative to every single step or 
excavation phase on the excavation's site process. In a practical way, 
that means that every time a stratum is removed, the archaeologists can 
get a new digital surface model using a drone and a lidar sensor. Then 
computing the difference between the previous dsm and the current one 
(and so on, successively), they could obtain a collection of stratum or 
layers to visualize it in a cross section diagram. I don't know if the 
problem is enough well explained...

I've been reading and searching on the Internet for a while, about GRASS 
GIS and stratigraphic/cross sections, but I've didn't find any hint 
neither a clear clue about how to do it. So, the question is, is it 
possible to get something similar to the previous or the following image 
using GRASS GIS, as well as combined, with other tools or open source 
software? Any answer, hint or clue will be really appreciated.



Lluís Vicens
Servei de Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica
Universitat de Girona
Pl. Ferrater Mora 1
17071   Girona
Tel +34 972 418 039 (7025 intern)
lluis.vicens at udg.edu

Lloc web:http://www.sigte.udg.edu

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