[GRASS-user] Interpolating rainfall data across area from points

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Mon Sep 24 16:00:48 PDT 2018

On Mon, 24 Sep 2018, Micha Silver wrote:

> The guidelines that I follow include:

Micha, Markus, et al.:

   The data (exported from an R data.frame) has six columns:
row number, coordinates (two columns in parentheses of easting and
northing), site_name, elevation, and mean precipitation. I'll change the
coordinates pair to separate easting and northing and could leave the row
48 numbers as categories unless it's advisable to allow GRASS to assign
those numbers.

   Elevations range from ~45m to ~1200m, from the river at the bottom of the
valley floor to the watershed on top of the mountain range.

   I'm working my way through the v.kriging manual page to understand all
options and the process for applying the module to my data. My question is
whether to do 2D or 3D kriging on this data set. Without any experience
applying this module I've no basis for making a decision because I've no
knowledge of which would be more appropriate. Your advice is needed.



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