[GRASS-user] Raster 3D - keep cells between 2 surfaces (upper and lower bounds)

Francois Chartier fra.chartier at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 19:35:41 PST 2019

To keep the voxels between the upper DEM and lower bedrock surface, I am
trying to this by step using mapcalc.  as the DEM (GTADEM) is a 2d raster,
and the 3d raster (jan27551ten100) is '3D', it seems that r3.mapcalc can
only work with 3d raster as it does not recognize GTADEM.  the inverse
happens when using r.mapcalc.  if mapcalc cannot work with a mix of 2d and
3d rasters, how can i go around this?

r3.mapcalc LessThanDEM=jan27551tens100 <= GTADEM

Invalid map <GTADEM>
Parse error
ERROR: parse error

r.mapcalc LessThanDEM=jan27551tens100 <= GTADEM

Invalid map <jan27551tens100>
Parse error
ERROR: parse error
(Fri Feb 01 22:31

Le mer. 30 janv. 2019 à 21:23, Francois Chartier <fra.chartier at gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hi,
> I have a 3D raster showing an interpolation of soil texture using
> v.vol.rst.  The resulting raster is rectangular (with a resolution of 5x5x1
> m), and i would like to remove cells above the DEM and below top of
> bedrock.  I looked at r3mapcalc, as well as tried r3.out.vtk selecting top
> and bottom surface (on first tab) with and without selecting -s.
> I am not sure if this is possible.
> Thanks,
> Francois
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