[GRASS-user] raster pixel value

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Sun Mar 10 07:08:32 PDT 2019

* Francois Chartier <fra.chartier at gmail.com> [2019-03-10 09:38:13 -0400]:

>i was wondering how the value of a pixel is determined when multiple data
>points are located within a pixel, for 2d and 3d pixel.  I assume it is
>based on the interpolation methodology of the raster. is this correct.
>for large pixels where only data point is located within it, can the pixel
>have a different value than that of the data point if through the
>interpolation and due to surrounding points it generates a different value?

Dear Francois,

your questions are a bit sketchy. What exactly are trying to do?

How the value of a pixel is determined when multiple data points are
located within a pixel?

Which multiple data points are you referring to?

Multiple raster data cells, which you get when you modify the
computational region (i.e. when you go from a given spatial resolution
to a coarser one)?
Did you try to resample a raster data set and wonder how the new cell's
value is computed? Which module did you try to use? Which methods?

Vector data points? Which interpolation module did you try?


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