[GRASS-user] r.proj issue

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Fri Sep 13 06:36:15 PDT 2019

Reprojecting a 10m DEM fails. Following are the command and input/output
projection and map description information. Screenshots of the input and
output maps are attached.

I need to understand why the output is wrong.

r.proj loc=Oregon map=topography in=n46w123 met=lanczos_f mem=16000 --o

Input location:
name: unnamed
ellps: grs80
proj: lcc
lat_1: 46
lat_2: 44.33333333333334
lat_0: 43.66666666666666
lon_0: -120.5
x_0: 2500000
y_0: 0
no_defs: defined
unit: Meter
units: Meters
meters: 1

Cols: 502 (80961)
Rows: 39234 (113148)
North: 262349.035904 (262349.035904)
South: 223115.062541 (149201.112724)
West: 2302891.866970 (2302891.866970)
East: 2303393.867032 (2383852.876897)
EW-res: 1.000000
NS-res: 0.999999

Output location:
name: NAD83(HARN) / Oregon North
datum: nad83harn
ellps: grs80
proj: lcc
lat_1: 46
lat_2: 44.33333333333334
lat_0: 43.66666666666666
lon_0: -120.5
x_0: 2500000
y_0: 0
no_defs: defined
unit: meter
units: meters
meters: 1

Cols: 500 (71702)
Rows: 39232 (50757)
North: 262348.951018 (273873.984569)
South: 223116.836808 (223116.836808)
West: 2302892.017711 (2231689.553588)
East: 2303392.020970 (2303392.020970)
EW-res: 1.000007
NS-res: 1.000003Cols: 500 (71702)
Rows: 39232 (50757)
North: 262348.951018 (273873.984569)
South: 223116.836808 (223116.836808)
West: 2302892.017711 (2231689.553588)
East: 2303392.020970 (2303392.020970)
EW-res: 1.000007
NS-res: 1.000003

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