[GRASS-user] 7.9.svn: Python issue rendering raster maps

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Tue Sep 17 13:39:55 PDT 2019

I've a script that sets the region then uses d.rast to load 20 DEM maps. A
couple of them produce a resolution error:

Rendering failed: Expecting 712x453 image but got 720x480 image.


Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/local/grass79/gui/wxpython/mapwin/buffered.py", line 924, in _updateM
   File "/usr/local/grass79//gui/wxpython/mapdisp/main.py", line 297, in Render
     return Map.Render(self, *args, **kwargs)
   File "/usr/local/grass79/gui/wxpython/core/render.py", line 1250, in Render
     self.renderMgr.Render(force, windres)
   File "/usr/local/grass79/gui/wxpython/core/render.py", line 604, in Render
     if self._renderLayers(env, force) == 0:
   File "/usr/local/grass79/gui/wxpython/core/render.py", line 543, in _renderLayers
   File "/usr/local/grass79/etc/python/grass/pydispatch/signal.py", line 229, in emit
     dispatcher.send(signal=self, *args, **kwargs)
   File "/usr/local/grass79/etc/python/grass/pydispatch/dispatcher.py", line 349, in send
   File "/usr/local/grass79/etc/python/grass/pydispatch/robustapply.py", line 60, in robustApply
     return receiver(*arguments, **named)
   File "/usr/local/grass79/gui/wxpython/core/render.py", line 743, in ReportProgress
   File "/usr/local/grass79/etc/python/grass/pydispatch/signal.py", line 229, in emit
     dispatcher.send(signal=self, *args, **kwargs)
   File "/usr/local/grass79/etc/python/grass/pydispatch/dispatcher.py", line 349, in send
   File "/usr/local/grass79/etc/python/grass/pydispatch/robustapply.py", line 60, in robustApply
     return receiver(*arguments, **named)
   File "/usr/local/grass79/gui/wxpython/core/render.py", line 650, in OnRenderDone
     raise GException(_("Rendering failed: %s" % msg))
core.gcmd.GException: Rendering failed: Expecting 712x453 image but got 720x480 image.

LiDAR maps covering topo quads are downladed as .zip files and unzipped.
Each download contains 2-5 separate files (all *.adf format) which are
imported to a download-specific new location. Then they are reprojected to
the statewide location and finally reprojected to the project location. Why
a couple of maps, processed the same way, have different resolutions I
assume is due to something at the source end, but I send this information
because it might have value for development.



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