[GRASS-user] Geomorphic index for valley, using "height of the valley / width of the top of the valley"

Valter Albino valteralbino at gmail.com
Sat Apr 11 14:18:33 PDT 2020

Hi all
I would like to calculate a geomorphic index for valley, using the
following equation: height of the valley / width of the top of the valley -
the higher the index values, the greater the notch (carve in the landscape)
in the valley.
I found that SAGA gives the "Vertical distance to the channel network".
Does GRASS have a function to calculate each ot the two input?
Thanks in advance

*Valter Albino -* Geógrafo Físico, M.Sc.
Modelação H&H / Riscos ambientais / OT&U
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