[GRASS-user] Error when importing gml file

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Fri Feb 21 07:12:39 PST 2020

Hi Johannes,

Johannes Radinger <johannesradinger at gmail.com> schrieb am Fr., 21. Feb.
2020, 15:13:

> Hi all,
> I am trying to import a *.gml file which I received from a governmental
> agency. However when trying v.import I get an error message (see below). I
> can successfully import the file in QGIS (and display the attribute table).
> Other gml files from the same region and from the same provider work also.
> I can imagine it might be related to some attribute names?! Is the
> attribute name 'order' not a valid column name as ORDER is also an sqlite
> command? Anybody any ideas what's wrong with the file or the import?
> cheers,
> Johannes
> #############################
> Importing </.../FLUSSORDNUNGSZAHL_NGP2015.gml> ...
> Check if OGR layer <Watercourse> contains polygons...
> Creating attribute table for layer <Watercourse>...
> Default driver / database set to:
> driver: sqlite
> database: $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/sqlite.db
> Column name <inspireId|Identifier|localId> renamed to
> <inspireId_Identifier_localId>
> Column name <inspireId|Identifier|namespace> renamed to
> <inspireId_Identifier_namespace>
> DBMI-SQLite driver error:
> Error in sqlite3_prepare():
> near "order": syntax error
> DBMI-SQLite driver error:
> Error in sqlite3_prepare():
> near "order": syntax error
> ERROR: Unable to create table: 'create table Watercourse (cat integer,
> gml_id text, language varchar ( 3 ), nativeness text, sourceOfName text,
> pronunciation text, text varchar ( 90 ), script varchar ( 4 ),
> transliterationScheme text, grammaticalGender text, grammaticalNumber text,
> classificationScheme varchar ( 8 ), localId integer, namespace varchar ( 83
> ), beginLifespanVersion varchar ( 25 ), inspireId_Identifier_localId
> integer, inspireId_Identifier_namespace varchar ( 83 ), versionId varchar (
> 5 ), origin text, persistence text, tidal text, drainsBasin text,
> delineationKnown integer, length double precision, length_uom varchar ( 1
> ), level text, order varchar ( 36 )

^-- order is a reserved SQL word, please rename the column before importing.


, orderScheme varchar ( 83 ), scope varchar ( 8 ), width text)'
> ERROR: Unable to import OGR datasource
> ################
> My system:
> GRASS version: 7.9.dev
> Code revision: ac8bd2777
> Build date: 2020-01-21
> Build platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
> GDAL: 2.2.3
> PROJ: 4.9.3
> GEOS: 3.6.2
> SQLite: 3.22.0
> Python: 3.6.9
> wxPython: 4.0.1
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