[GRASS-user] GRASS "shell" plugin + GRASS "Add-ons" in QGIS

Valter Albino valteralbino at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 03:43:16 PDT 2020

Good Morning

Sorry for the naivety, but I appreciate any good answers:
- is "GRASS SHELL" in the plugin, in QGIS, usable with double click? Is he
supposed to let you write right?
[image: imagem.png]
- is it possible to use the GRASS "Add-ons" previously installed by "GRASS
GIS" through the QGIS plugin?

*Valter Albino -* Geógrafo Físico, M.Sc.
Modelação H&H / Riscos ambientais / OT&U
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