[GRASS-user] Practical examples for t.select

nik at nikosalexandris.net nik at nikosalexandris.net
Thu Apr 15 07:47:02 PDT 2021


> Even the theoretically equivalent expression (to the first one) won't 
> do:
> ```
> ...
>     raise SyntaxError("syntax error on line %d, position %i token %s
> near '%s' expression '%s'" %
> SyntaxError: syntax error on line 1, position 11 token
> T_SELECT_OPERATOR near '{:,equal}' expression 'test3 = if({:,equal},
> A1 >= -30, A2)'
> ```

This is actually
>     raise SyntaxError("syntax error on line %d, position %i token %s
> near '%s' expression '%s'" %
> SyntaxError: syntax error on line 1, position 11 token
> T_SELECT_OPERATOR near '{:,equal}' expression 'test = if({:,equal},
> A1 >= -30, A2)'
> ```

(`test` and not `test3` -- manually edited the name before)

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