[GRASS-user] Rosetta Error in "r.fill.dir"

Daniel Kozar djkozar at ucdavis.edu
Thu Apr 21 16:16:12 PDT 2022

Hi everyone,

I am trying to fill in pits in a large DEM raster (the size of USGS
HUC02 "18") in GRASS 8.0. Everything works in the workflow until I get this
error when I run "r.fill.dir":

r.fill.dir input=DEM output=DEM_filled direction=DEM_dir areas=DEM_area
format=agnps --overwrite

Reading input elevation raster map...


Filling sinks...

Determining flow directions for ambiguous cases...

Found 75 unresolved areas

Repeat to get the final directions...

rosetta error: unexpectedly need to EmulateForward on a synchronous
exception x86_rip=0x4363626336 arm_pc=0x4363681804 num_insts=6 inst_index=3
x86 instruction bytes: 0x6215344901283465301 0x17042544937633142081

zsh: trace trap  r.fill.dir input=DEM output=DEM_filled direction=DEM_dir

Can someone help me solve this issue? I am running GRASS 8.0 on an M1 Pro
chip in MacOS Monterey. I sense this is an error with Rosetta and the M1
chip, but have not received such an error prior on this computer. I have
also tried running the module through GRASS 7.6 and 7.8, but am having no
luck due to segmentation fault errors.


Daniel Kozar
PhD Candidate
UC Davis - Hydrologic Sciences
djkozar at ucdavis.edu
(814) 380-6900
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