[GRASS-user] How to detect/remove overlapping polygons (imported with v.in.ogr )based on the data attributes

B H hemantbist at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 15:23:04 PST 2022

I have data  in a Shapefile which has genuine  cases of overlapping
geometries. (As documented in  v.in.ogr) the common areas appear with
multiple categories.
I need to find these common areas and "dedupe" them.
Currently I  export the data out via v.out.ogr and in postgis do  select
distinct on (st_asbinary(geometrycomlum))  from tablename  order by

Is there some way to either dedupe it in grass Gis itself, or have
v.out.ogr output  some common attribute in the two geometries that
represent the common area
from two polygons.
There is a similar question in this old thread. However I could not find
the solution.

clip from v.in.ogr  man page describing how  the overlapping polygons are

Overlapping polygons
When importing overlapping polygons, the overlapping parts will become new
areas with multiple categories, one unique category for each original
polygon. An original polygon will thus be converted to multiple areas with
the same shared category. These multiple areas will therefore also link to
the same entry in the attribute table. A single category value may thus
refer to multiple non-overlapping areas which together represent the
original polygon overlapping with another polygon. The original polygon can
be recovered by using v.extract with the desired category value or where
statement and the -d flag to dissolve common boundaries
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