[GRASS-user] Vector import

Stuart Edwards sedwards at verdantenv.com
Thu Jun 27 07:19:44 PDT 2024

Hi --

I hate to complain because GRASS is such amazing value and I have counted on it for about 20years. However this puzzle seems to be something that just shouldn't happen. Importing ASCII files has always (for me) been a challenge. Much as I might try, there always seems to be something wrong with my files. Here's a case in point. Simple table with 6 columns and 66 rows - copy attached. This was output from R - which is usually very reliable.
v.in.ascii thinks otherwise..... In the clip you can see that row 8 was broken and only 5 columns detected. Rows 1-7 with identical (to my eyes) formatting are not rejected. But perhaps it doesn't like the space in the geology column string (even though 1-7 all include at least one space) . Replace the space with an _ and try again. No luck. Get rid of the space completely. No luck. Try reading the file back into R - no problem. Try reading the file into QGIS - no problem.
So that's my puzzle for today. If anyone can see where the problem lies - that would be great.
I'm running GRASS 8.4 on a 2014 MacBook Pro with OSX 11.7.10.
Best regards

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