[GRASS-user] raster boxplots wrong assignment

sibylle.stoeckli at gmx.ch sibylle.stoeckli at gmx.ch
Sat May 25 06:47:56 PDT 2024

Dear community


I would like to plot boxplots from a raster _pres_apple_spring_merged  for
different 1 km2 squares (38 squares, Fig. 1, layer “Untersuchungsquadrate”).
I was using the same code as used before for 12 regions:

https://ecodiv.earth/post/drawing-boxplots-of-raster-values/ (Author Paulo
van Breugel). All layers have the same projection (EPSG:2056, CH1903+/LV95).
However, when loading the layer squares (Untersuchungsquadrate) GRASS GIS
was asking for reprojection.


*	I got now a warning message, that I have a lot of categories,
however, the modelling time was fast (Fig 2)
*	The error is now, that the boxplot is not showing all squares  (e.g.
ID_Quadrat 803174) and the boxplots are assigned to the wrong square
(ID_Quadrat) (Fig. 3)


Kind regards

Sibylle Stöckli


Fig. 1



Fig. 2



Figure 3




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