[GRASS-user] increase sqlite performance

Ivan Marchesini ivan.marchesini at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 01:13:22 PST 2025

Hi Luis

thank you for your reply

I totally agree with you but unfortunately recently I was involved in an 
already-running project where data have been stored using sqlite

DO you have any suggestion on how to smoothly move all the sqlite 
database into postgresql?

thank you


On 21/01/25 08:52, Luí s Moreira de Sousa wrote:
> Dear Ivan,
> I have worked with GRASS in similar circumstances. The best advice I can offer is to replace SQLite with Postgres. As you load up on the number of features and raster size, data-base exceptions and halts become increasingly frequent and increasingly harder to address.
> Also, beware of parallel access to SQLite.
> Regards.

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