[GRASSweb-list]spam prevention

Chuck Soper chucks at lmi.net
Tue May 27 14:32:18 EDT 2003

I recently subscribed to the International Grass GIS list. The list 
looks very useful and I like the community. Yet, I'm reluctant to 
post any messages because it appears that your archives are not 
password protected. Taking that step would help protect user's email 
addresses from the spam e-mail harvesters. I recently had to close my 
old email account because I was receiving over fifty spams a day.

Many companies and organizations password protect list archives in an 
effort to protect user's email addresses from spammers. Here is one 

By the way, I'm a Mac OS X software engineer learning Grass GIS.

I got your email addresses by clicking on the "In case of problems 
contact us." on the following page:

Thank you for your consideration.

P.S. I'm currently unable to access the list archives at:
I assume that it's a temporary problem but, I thought that I would mention it.
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