[GRASSweb-list]help please!

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Mon Mar 8 06:30:12 EST 2004


the weblist usually does not give user support for the GRASS software.

If you are interested in the pictures that we display on our website,
you might just save them from your webbrowser.

Creating images with a Geographic Information System usually is
a complicated task. Maybe your'll find some easier software
for this on www.freegis.org, if that is your goal.


On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 03:20:06AM -0500, V4riant at aol.com wrote:
>    Dear Sir,
>    I contacted the site some time ago after discovering you as a partner
>    of IBIBLIO in the hope I might be able to view some of the images you
>    have as it sounds a fascinating facility which could be of use to my
>    kids in their school and college work.
>    I received no reply which is fine for I presumed this was and
>    oversight or I was not eligible.
>    However a colleague sending me a AOL instant message mistakenly typed
>    my screen name into the google search box which threw up the link
>    below.
>    [1]http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/weblist/2004-January/001541.html
>    which is my initial message.
>    I am concerened by this for although I am sure your site is of the
>    highest integrity I should like this removed please, especially as I
>    am not actually using the GRASS facilities or sites.
>    Could you please advise me when this has happened [and I presume you
>    will have to remove the association of this mail too].
>    Your understanding and assistance is graetly appreciated.
>    However if it is possible for us to make use of images you can provide
>    please do let us know
>    Yours gratefully
>    A
> Verweise
>    1. http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/weblist/2004-January/001541.html

Professional Service for Free Software                 (intevation.net)  
The FreeGIS Project                                       (freegis.org)
Association for a Free Informational Infrastructure          (ffii.org)
FSF Europe                                              (fsfeurope.org)
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