[GRASSweb-list] importing my data to grass60

maha ragab maha_mragab at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 19 02:36:52 EDT 2006

i facing a problem with importing my data to grass mapset i tried importing shapefiles and rasters but there was alwayes a problem
 when imporying shapefile an error message alwayes appears that tells me that the data is outside the bounding box of the current region i tried importing data with it's extend i tried also editing in WIND file of my dataset but it also didnt work 
 for tha raster when importing the data and try to dispaly it with it's legend the legend appears correctly which means that grass imported the raster correctly but the raster didnt appear in the display window
 i guess the problem is with the extend but i dont know how to solve it 
 so if anyone have an idea to solve this message please replay
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