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Wed Nov 14 17:02:17 EST 2007

manuals, and datasets. Most documentation is in Adobe PDF format, so you
will need to <a href=""
target="_top">download Adobe Acrobat Reader</a> or <a
- to view and print the manual sets.

<br>For further GRASS Documentation
go to the <a href="../gdp/index.html">GDP - GRASS Documentation Project</a>
<hr><b>Old GRASS versions:</b>
<li>GRASS 5.3 [old] <a href="../grass53/">Download GRASS 5.3</a>
<li>GRASS 5.0 [old] <a href="../devel/grass_releases.html">Download GRASS 5.0</a>
<li>GRASS 4.3 [old] <a href="../devel/grass_releases.html">Download GRASS 4.3</a>
<li>GRASS 4.2/4.2.1 [merged into 4.3, old]
<li>GRASS 4.1 [old] <a href="../devel/grass_releases.html">Download GRASS 4.1</a>
<li>GRASS 4.0 [old] <a href="../devel/grass_releases.html">Download GRASS 4.0</a>
<li>Detailed <a href="../devel/grass_releases.html">GRASS Releases page</a> with links to source code etc.

<div align="right">
<i>Last change: $Date: 2004/12/19 16:42:08 $ </i><br>
<i>$Author: markus $</i>

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                  <h1>GRASS: Download</h1>

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GRASS is free software, anyone may develop his/her own GRASS extensions.
This page contains a growing list of links to GRASS packages, which are 
currently not part of the standard distribution.

<h2>GRASS outgoing directory</h2>

<li>This directory contains code submissions to the GRASS Development Team.
So far no team member found the time to integrate these submissions.
Feel free to pick code up, and, if needed, adapt it for a seamless integration
into the latest GRASS 5 version (if the code is of general interest):<br>
<a href=""></a>

<h2>GUI (Graphical User Interfaces)</h2>

<a href="">Qt/GRASS</a>:
GRASS/Qt is a C++ library that intends to make it easy to use the GRASS GIS
system from within the Qt GUI framework to create applications needing GIS
functionality. (C. Madsen, Navicon, Denmark)</li>
<a href="">QGIS & GRASS</a>: GRASS extension of
Quantum GIS (QGIS)</li>
<a href="">Russian TclTkGRASS</a>: translated menu system (Alex
Shevlakov, Russia)</li>
href="">Polish TclTkGRASS
(GRASS 4.3)</a>: translated menu system (Pawel Netzel, Poland)</li>
GRASS-JNI</a> allows programmers to access
GRASS data from their applications written in Java (Alexandre Sorokine,
Japan). It was written for GRASS 4.x and awaits an update to GRASS 5.x.

GRASS shell extension</h2>

<li> <a href="">GRASS shell
completions for parameters and map names</a>: GRASS Complete allows you to
complete automatically correct arguments for GRASS commands when you press
'complete' key (usually <TAB>).  It uses a 'complete' feature that is
available in such UNIX shells as bash, zsh and probably others (A. Sorokine,

Misc modules</h2>

<a href="*/">m.cogo</a>:
The m.cogo utility can translate between bearing-distance descriptions
and X,Y coordinates. It's a simplistic first stab at providing some COGO
functionality for GRASS. (Eric G. Miller, U.S.A.)</li>

Image processing modules</h2>

<a href="">i.atcorr: 6S atmospheric
correction program</a> (Christo Zietsman, South Africa)</li>

Raster modules</h2>


<a href="">r.boxcount</a>:
fractal dimension (Dr. M. Lake, London, U.K.)</li>

<a href="">r.cva</a>:
Cumulative viewshed analysis program. (Dr. M. Lake, London, U.K.)</li>
href="">r.fuzzy: Fuzzy logic tools</a> (François Delclaux)</li>

A Perl-script to compute the mandelbrot set within a XY-location (Peter
L&ouml;we, Germany)

Export of GRASS raster maps to netCDF format to support GMT, OpenDX etc.
(Alessandro Frigeri, Italy)

<a href="">r.outldetect,
r.outldetopt</a>: Outlier detection in DEM (Dr. D. Triglione, Prof. Dr.
M. Brovelli, Milano, Italy)</li>

<a href="">r.obstruction,
r.planning.static, r.planning.cinematic</a>: r.obstruction creates a polar
obstruction map from a DTM. r.planning.static performs a static planning
for GPS and Glonass surveys using the obstruction map created with r.obstruction.
r.planning.cinematic performs a cinematic planning for GPS and Glonass
surveys. (University of Trento, Faculty of Engineering)</li>

<a href="">r.wavelets</a>: This
package contains wavelets decomposition and reconstruction modules for the
r.owave.dec computes the orthogonal wavelet transform of a raster map.
r.owave.rec reconstructs a raster map from an orthogonal wavelet transform.
r.biowave.dec computes the biorthogonal wavelet transform of a raster map.
r.biowave.rec reconstructs a raster map from a biorthogonal wavelet
transform. (University of Trento, Faculty of Engineering)</li> 

<a href="">r.rifs</a>:
r.rifs generates a raster map and/or image of a fractal by means of the
specified random iterated function system. (Dr. M. Lake, London, U.K.)</li>

r.cross exports category labels from a GRASS raster map created with r.cross
into PostgreSQL table (O. Dassau, Germany).

Sites modules</h2>

<a href="">Parallelized (MPI)</a> (Alexei Popov, Russia)</li>
<a href="">s.cellstats</a>:
Calculate univariate statistics for sites falling within each cell of the
current region (Eric G. Miller, U.S.A.)</li>

Vector modules</h2>


<li> <a
Import module for EDBS vector data. EDBS (Einheitliche
Datenbankschnittstelle) is the German vector data exchange standard
(ATKIS/ALK) (O. Dassau, Hannover, Cl. Rinner, Germany)</li>



<a href="">GRASS
5.0 XML Fun</a>: a couple of XSLT stylesheets for transforming the output
of GRASS 5.0 commands that respond to the "--interface-description" flag
(Eric G. Miller, U.S.A.)</li>

Web modules</h2>


href="">OSU IPPC GRASSlinks</a> (Len Coop,
IPPC Oregon State University)</li>

<a href="">GRASS,
GRASSlinks and PHP3</a> (Prof. Dr. V. Raghavan, Osaka, Japan)</li>

based on grasslinks, <a href="">download</a>
(Felix Gershunov, Alex Shevlakov, Russia)</li>

<a href="">Grules:
GRASS and JAVA</a> (F. Ponchio, Pisa, Italy)</li>


If you want to see your module(s) listed here or if you are aware of interesting
tools, send your GRASS Add-Ons proposal to <a href="mailto:weblist at">Webteam</a>.

<div align="right">
<i>Last change: $Date: 2004/12/19 16:42:08 $ </i><br>
<i>$Author: markus $</i>

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        content="gis, GIS, GRASS, open source, 
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