[GRASS-web] Integration TerraLib with GRASS GIS?

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Wed Apr 8 09:23:47 EDT 2009


you reached the Web site list... please post this question to the GRASS
developers list:



On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Rengifo Ortega <rengifoo at yahoo.de> wrote:
> Dear GRASS community,
> Reading through different article related to OS, I found  project that
> caught my attention.
> It was Terralib.. here a short definition of it. Since, I guess most of you
> are familiar with it.
> "TerraLib is a GIS classes and functions library, available from the
> Internet as open source, allowing a collaborative environment and its use
> for the development of multiple GIS tools. Its main aim is to enable the
> development of a new generation of GIS applications, based on the
> technological advances on spatial databases"
> source: http://terralib.dpi.inpe.br/doku.php
> So, my question: Is there any initiative or project  integrate the
> integration of Terralib with GRASS GIS?
> Thanks in advance
> Rengifo
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