[winGRASS] libG11

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Wed Oct 3 20:10:12 EDT 2001

Markus Neteler wrote:

>    Glynn, may I ask you to look into the configure problem related
>    to -lXmu -lXext?

Those libraries don't appear in head.i686-pc-linux-gnu. They are added
by src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2/src/Gmakefile.in.

The libGL from XFree86 requires libXext, and togl.c requires libXmu
for XmuLookupStandardColormap().

IOW, this isn't a configure issue; it's an NVIZ issue.

>    Again, when manually changing the Gnakefile, NVIZ now compiles without
>    libG11. It pops up a window for a few seconds (see other tcl/tk problems
>    below).
>  - other change for configure:
> 	under win32/cygwin we need in head
>         OPEGLLIB           = -lopengl32
>         OPENGLULIB         = -lgdi32 -lglu32
>    It could be useful to remove also -lX11 from head, putting it back
>    just on the Gmakefile for Xdriver, the only point where we need X11
>    on win32 compilation.	

"-lX11" only occurs in the definition of XLIB. This definitely needs
to stay.

Also, as well as XDRIVER and NVIZ, d.scale uses libX11 for "d.scale
-i". As I've mentioned before, this is an ugly hack; there is no way
that "d.scale -i" can be implemented correctly without extending the
display driver protocol.

I would very strongly advise against trying to shoehorn the existing
build system into supporting Windows (as opposed to Cygwin).

Apart from:

a) the work to build XDRIVER with libG11 (which should be usable
soon), and

b) using tcltkgrass with Windows' Tcl/Tk (AFAICT, tcltkgrass should be
a "pure" Tcl/Tk application).

the rest (i.e. NVIZ) should wait for 5.1. Otherwise, you risk:

a) making a complete mess of the configure/build system, and

b) breaking support for Cygwin with an X server, which should be a
usable platform.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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