[winGRASS] Socket error in d.mon

Quinton Hoole Quinton.Hoole at bigfoot.com
Tue Apr 23 16:31:17 EDT 2002

Hi from a GRASS newbie

I just downloaded, installed and successfully got running the latest
versions (I hope) of cygwin, XFree86, GRASS 5.0.0pre3 and TCLTKGRASS 3.2
(full details at end of message).

When I try to start a monitor, I get the following error:

GRASS:~/ > d.mon start=x1
ERROR: In main.c: Couldn't get socket path.
mail: not found
Failed to get socket name for monitor <x1>.
Problem selecting x1. Will try once more
Failed to get socket name for monitor <x1>.

Any suggestions?  I've seen a few similar problems in the list archives, but
none quite like this, and all quite old, so I'm hoping that there is a
relatively simple solution by now.

I am a competent C/C++ programmer, but am new to GRASS, and relatively new
to cygwin (although I have a fair bit of unix programming experience, albeit
10 years ago).  I'm quite willing to get involved in the
development/debugging, if someone with more familiarity with winGRASS could
point me in the right direction.


Quinton Hoole
Cape Town
South Africa

System Information
Platform                Unix
Operating System        CYGWIN_NT-5.0
OS Version              1.3.10(0.51/3/2)
Processor Type (arch)   i686
Full OS ID              CYGWIN_NT-5.0-1.3.10(0.51/3/2)-i686
Tcl Version/Patchlevel  8.3.4
Name of Executable      /usr/local/bin/wish
Name of current Script  /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main/tksys.tcl
Hostname                QUINTON
User Name               500
GRASS                   grass5.0.0pre3_i686-pc-cygwin_bin.tar.gz
XFree86-*               4.2.0-1
XFree86-xserv           4.2.0-2

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