[winGRASS] libgdal for windows

Matt & Kim patawi at polarcom.com
Mon May 27 03:47:15 EDT 2002

>> Is there anybody can tell me where I can download
>> libgdal.1.1.so for windows. I am using r.in.gdal to
>> import ERDAS .img file.
>you can get it from "OpenEV" project which contains GDAL in
>the binary package for Windows.
>There is a gdal.dll inside.

So on Windows gdal.dll is the same as  libgdal.1.1.so on unix?

Also, rather than downloading OpenEV (8mb) just for gdal, 
one could download the Windows binary of gdal (1.5mb),
which should be hanging out near ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/pub/gdal/
as gdal-116-ntbin.zip or similar.

And finally, I was under the impression that r.in.gdal was not 
working yet on cygwin in any case. (Search the archives for the 
thread "r.[in|out].gdal")

I have been moderately successful in using the windows binary
of gdal outside of grass, but not with r.in.gdal.



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